Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Tag: creativity (page 1 of 2)

God’s gift of creativity

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.  Genesis 1:27 I’m a creative person and it’s mysterious to me how ideas and inspiration come. I’m often in awe of what God has helped me produce. Not that I’m such a wonderful […]


The good in rapid cycling

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  279  (May 7, 2010) You know, I’d rather be into rapid cycling than in a solid depression, as I was at this time last year. The lows I go through now only last a few hours. The depression only got alarmingly low one day. That was followed by a high the next […]


A creative kick start

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  276  (April 13, 2010) Amazing how a little creativity – a new project – colour – excitement – can kick start a more positive mood! In the midst of my verge of depression, I had an idea last week. No, it didn’t come from me exactly. It was truly planted there by […]


Creative friend in hospital

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  179  (July 17, 2008) A couple of days ago I visited a blogging pal in hospital. I had for a long time been wanting her to play the piano for me – because I love piano music and because I heard her play one of her songs before and it was beautiful. […]


Somewhat supercalifragilistic, but grateful

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  117  (November 27, 2007) I’ve been talking a lot lately about how good can come out of bad and today I can once more see this happening in my life. I’ve found pleasure in a new creative activity, I’m walking closer to God, and I’m feeling secure in the love of my […]


A cracked vase

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  81  (July 14, 2007) Living Room went well yesterday, even if there were only eight participants this time. Many were on holidays or just feeling the summer laziness. We focused on a poem written by one of our members. Briefly, it’s about a cracked vase that is threatening to break but looks […]


Moods, a rainbow of colour

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  59  (April 9, 2007) Going through the endless ups and downs I’ve been experiencing lately I have come to, once more, realize what a powerful effect our moods have on our lives. I’ve only had several black days but many rather down days. My current life is painting quite a clear picture […]


Up and down I go

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  58  (April 4, 2007) It seems as if every experience with episodes is unique. I don’t think I’ve ever had the kinds of ups and downs I have had recently. I go from a normal state one day to being stuck in a dark pit the next. Don’t know what to make […]


Creativity and heightened sensitivity

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  19  (October 20, 2006) One of my pal’s blog has been dealing with mania, heightened sensitivity, and creativity – a fascinating topic. It is truly amazing how so many of us are highly creative people. So many artists, musicians, and especially writers, have had bipolar disorder or depression. Personally, I thrive on […]


Bursting heart

  But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 1 Peter 4:13   I’ve been writing much here about how stigma has been affecting me. My story. My pain. But I realize everyone has a story. Everyone has experienced some form […]

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