Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Month: February 2019 (page 1 of 7)

Wrapping up (2019)

It’s time, really time, to put an end to my story. I’m glad to have found better wellness through the telling. But today I’m tired of thinking about so much sadness and ugliness. I want to start enjoying the new me. And so, I’ll wrap up with this: I strongly believe this account had to […]


The good in bipolar

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  278  (May 2, 2010) Almost every day over the past while I wake up feeling awful. As the day progresses things usually improve. This morning it happened again. I felt so depressed. But as I sipped my coffee and looked out over the yard, the patio, and my favourite chair, I thought […]


And yet…

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  277  (April 20, 2010) Psalms 42 and 43 which we studied at our last Living Room Bible study sure hit home for those of us there. We could relate to the psalmists’ laments. We could relate for the thirsting after God expressed in the opening verses: “As the deer pants for streams […]


A creative kick start

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  276  (April 13, 2010) Amazing how a little creativity – a new project – colour – excitement – can kick start a more positive mood! In the midst of my verge of depression, I had an idea last week. No, it didn’t come from me exactly. It was truly planted there by […]


The best kind of friend

LIVING ROOM  MEMORIES  275  (April 5, 2010) The best kind of friend you can have is someone who will cry with you when you cry and celebrate with you when you’re joyous. What amazing bonds can form when a friend is sympathetic to where you are emotionally! I have three friends like that now, and […]


But did I hurt someone? (2019)

I’ve been talking about how I felt back in 2010 when I said or did the wrong thing. I also remember several posts ago when I felt great pain and shame because I knew I had hurt someone. I’ve known many times when I had to beg God for a pure heart and a steadfast […]


Thank you God for forgiving

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  274  (March 31, 2010) As you know, I’ve been dealing much with the effects of my disorder, the shame of sometimes saying or doing things I would not do if I were more balanced. But then, I guess everyone at some time or other does things they’re not proud of. And yet…I […]


Humbly surrendering (2019)

We need to have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. Philippians 2:5-7   I’m glad to get […]


Surrendering to God

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  273  (March 25, 2010) The question I’ll ask at tomorrow’s Living Room is “What does is mean to surrender to God?”  What a wonderful topic to focus on right now! Don’t know exactly how I landed on it, but it’s certainly something I need myself. As usual, as I explore and prepare […]


Was this why the anger? (2019)

I need people. Always have. Many of us, including me, wouldn’t survive our emotional distresses without the support of friends, counselors or the crisis line. Without having someone stay close to talk us through the pain, we might not survive. I might not have survived. It often takes another person to help us look at […]

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