Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Month: October 2024

I’m not consumed

HOPE The words below from Jeremiah comfort me. I think it’s because they remind me that I’m not the only person to have had such feelings. I’m not the only person to have tasted such “bitterness and gall.” That’s the beautiful thing about the Bible. There’s something there for every one of us, no matter where we’re at. I […]


Patient Endurance

DEPRESSED? – After spending most of the day in my night clothes, only writing a bit, as I am now while lying on the sofa, I realized something had to be wrong. This has been happening too often. Could I be depressed? I had thought depression was in the past for me, something that no longer […]


He came for the lost

From March 2019 – I went through years of hard times. During that time, I found solace in my writing through Jesus, to whom I could not have come closer. It was in the suffering, especially in the quiet night times as I wrote, that Jesus came closest. I often pictured myself as a biblical […]


New mercies, morning by morning

Part of what I have not yet talked about was my misdiagnosis of borderline personality disorder, the result of a psychiatrist’s not listening carefully to my story – making assumptions on the basis of only two or three of the symptoms I displayed. This caused much of the stigma I experienced at the time. And […]


Gratitude and its effect on wellness

Happy Thanksgiving Day August 2015 Then [Jesus] said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” Luke 17:19 Luke 17: 11-19 tells the story about ten lepers Jesus healed. He instructed the ten to go and show themselves to the priests. On their way there, they were cleansed. Only one of them, […]


Finding the courage

Have I not commanded you? “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 Villages in the Greek islands are built on hills, meaning that many streets are steep. Stairways are unavoidable if you are to get around. […]


I lost friends

MY TRAGEDY – I’ll tell it as briefly as I can, and then move on to sharing the positives that God has for us – his unconditional love and his hope. At the end of December 2013, and probably earlier, the friends I had were drawing away from me more and more. It was probably […]


How did it end?

ONE SUCH AS ME? One person’s response after reading my book, ONE SUCH AS ME: “I found it to be a very interesting read, in part because it is so factually grounded, from your own notes made over the years.  The value of peer support, that led to Living Room, is well documented and explained, […]


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