Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Category: Abused (page 1 of 8)

How did it end?

ONE SUCH AS ME? One person’s response after reading my book, ONE SUCH AS ME: “I found it to be a very interesting read, in part because it is so factually grounded, from your own notes made over the years.  The value of peer support, that led to Living Room, is well documented and explained, […]


Misdiagnosed with bpd – my tragedy

THE IMPORTANCE OF LISTENING – PART TWO – Imagine, having something very important to tell someone, but you’re not listened to. There are nine symptoms that determine whether or not a person has BPD (borderline personality disorder). I had only three, but still received the diagnosis. It was official—put in my chart. And I believed […]


Where is God’s love?

IN THE NAME OF JESUS When I consider the many who receive unjust treatment, the collective amount of pain is huge! The resulting damage done to their sense of self-worth and ability to lead a meaningful life is considerable. So good that God carried me through to where I am today, where I can share […]


My truth – marja’s story

  Have you read this book yet? It’s an account of a person who believes in justice and suffered for it. A line from John Swinton’s book about dementia caught my eye recently: “The question changes from ‘How can I tell my story well?, to ‘Who will tell my story well?’” I don’t have dementia, […]


Talking – as one human being to another

After leaving I said, “I know how I was hurt. But tell me how you were affected. I’d really like to know your side.” But an answer did not come, not for me.   “I’ll talk to your counselor or your new pastor.” But as In so many cases before, I myself wasn’t spoken to. […]


I could not keep quiet

ABUSED He was oppressed and afflicted,     yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,     and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,     so he did not open his mouth.  Isaiah 53:7 Upon awakening yesterday, I remembered how it had felt to retire from nine years of dedicated service […]


It’s not the end of the world? Really?

THE EFFECTS OF STIGMA AND DISCRIMINATION In 1999, I published a book encouraging those who, like me, had mental health issues. In an effort to encourage them, I wrote, “It’s not the end of the world.” I worked hard, trying to make the world a better place for them—in 2006, founding support groups, where they […]


Are we really so “crazy?”

PSYCHIATRISTS SHOULD LISTEN BEFORE DIAGNOSING I was regularly abused for a year by someone I had least expected. It left me with emotional damage wrongly diagnosed as borderline personality disorder (BPD), the most stigmatized of all mental illnesses. This diagnosis assumed that my reaction to the mistreatment was simply due to over-sensitivity. The psychiatrist did […]


Misdiagnosis tears my life asunder

PSYCHIATRIST’S POWER ABUSED Unfortunately, I’ve been like an innocent child, trusting the person at the helm of my mental health care for years. I believe most of us who live with mental illness do lean on our psychiatrist, especially when we live with low self-esteem. After all, we think, the doctor knows best. I was […]


Putting a human face on madness

  OUR PAIN – BEYOND UNDERSTANDING In the 1800’s, at a time when “the insane” were kept in jails and almshouses, they were horrifically mistreated. Social reformer, Dorothea Dix, did much to change this. While touring such places throughout the U.S., she drew the government’s attention to “the state of the insane persons confined within […]

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