Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Month: September 2024

Jesus for all

A MULTI-FAITH LIVING ROOM? – What good would spiritual mental health support be if it were only given to people of one faith? How unfair it would be if people needing support were to be excluded from the Living Room experience. Excluded from the knowledge of the unconditional love Jesus has for us. Both in […]


Caring – His way

The following piece was written from the perspective of a person needing care. Have you ever needed care in the way this person did? How would you like to have someone like the Samaritan looking after you? Can you imagine how good it would be to have someone like him—someone so much like Jesus—taking care […]


The mystery of Jesus’ healing power

THROUGH HIS LOVE I woke up this morning to an extremely painful leg. But I took an Advil, with the promise that the pain should soon lessen. I also knew how good it would be to be able to share with my friends that after all the tests had been done, showing that nothing serious […]


My hope and my peace

WITH THE LOVE OF JESUS – Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27 I first wrote about this Scripture at Christmas time in 2014. I told […]


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