Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Tag: support (page 6 of 7)

“What I wish my pastor knew about bipolar”

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  80  (July 10, 2007) Yesterday someone googled the above and found my blog. I thought I would write on this to see if I can help by letting this person know roughly what I told my pastor when I first started coming to the church I’m now a happy member of. My […]


Writing for the media

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  74   (June 13, 2007) Yesterday I wrote a little piece for BC Christian News about the mental health service our church had several weeks ago. I also included something about Living Room. Another little effort to hopefully make a bit of difference. If other churches were to read it, I’m hoping […]


Mental health service at church

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  67  (May 1, 2007) I very much look forward to this Sunday’s church service. In honor of Mental Health Week (May 7 – 13) our pastor will present a sermon with the title “Out of the Shadows.” He will talk about being a caring community for those who are dealing with mental […]


Love, the food of life

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  60  (April 12, 2007) Psychiatrist Harold Koenig, in his book, New Light on Depression, wrote: “Love – unconditional love – is the ultimate long-term antidote for depression, for at its core love is connected with faith and hope.” I’ve liked that statement ever since I first read it. I have found out […]


Unconditional love

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  57 (April 1, 2007) I’ve been feeling very subdued – spiritual – looking for something good, something creative to bring forth from the unbalanced times I’m going through. I want to learn from what I’m experiencing, something of value that I can share with others. This is all I feel up to […]


Struggle for other-centeredness

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  36  (December 19, 2006) Several days ago I noticed myself dumping all my feelings on my friends. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t lie easily. When someone asks me how I am, I let them know – sometimes in great detail. Not a good idea. But a day later I realized […]


Getting sucked down

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  24  (November 3, 2006) I am; I’m not; I am; I’m not…I guess I am getting depressed. In my last post I talked of how I’d stabilized. I guess I spoke a bit too soon. I do indeed feel I’m getting sucked down into a depression. I’ve made an appointment to see […]


Unconditional love

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES 16  (October 12, 2006) Harold G. Koenig, M.D., in New Light on Depression, the book he co-wrote with David B. Biebel, states that “Love – unconditional love – is the ultimate long-term antidote for depression, for at its core love is connected with faith and hope.” It’s too bad that so many […]


Not a good day

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  12  (September 25, 2006) This has NOT been a good day. The only good thing is that it’s almost over and I can start again tomorrow, hopefully in a more positive vein. Yesterday someone I’ve been giving support to hurt himself quite badly. It was a shock. I’ve never been so close […]


What’s wrong with me?

  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32   This is not one of my regular devotionals, but I’m sending it today, because I think it’s important for those with mental health issues and those who support them. There have been many times […]

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