Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Tag: support (page 5 of 7)

Comments on supportive allies (2018)

Repeating Koenig’s quote from the last post, I would like to tell a little how this panned out for me.   In New Light on Depression, Harold Koenig writes how we need a supportive ally who will say, “I love you, and there’s nothing you could do or say that would change that. I am with […]


Comment on finding meaning (2018)

I need to comment here. There is a problem when poor health takes away the meaning in life you once had. When the joy you once experienced in the work you had loved can no longer be found. When opportunities become limited because of disability. Such a situation can create greater depression than before. I […]


I need a friend

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  137  (March 2, 2008) Depression is a lonely place to be. The loneliness and disconnectedness we feel must be the worst part of it. We long for someone to reach us through that wall we have around us. We long for love to touch us and bring us out. We long to […]


The joy of living room

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  136  (February 28, 2008) In her blog, Nancie, my friend from long ago, talks about the joy CH Spurgeon’s wife, Susannah Thompson, found in her ministry. A semi-invalid, confined to her home, she found something she could do to benefit others – something that benefited herself as well. Please check out her […]


Comments on grief (2018)

I need to interrupt my Living Room story to tell you about something I’ve learned in recent years. Through therapy I learned that a couple of friends who had been very kind had become like parents to me – giving me the kind of love my parents had not provided when I was young. I […]


In the name of love

He (God) comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (MSG)   We who live with illness and […]


Somewhat supercalifragilistic, but grateful

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  117  (November 27, 2007) I’ve been talking a lot lately about how good can come out of bad and today I can once more see this happening in my life. I’ve found pleasure in a new creative activity, I’m walking closer to God, and I’m feeling secure in the love of my […]


Living Room is not depressing

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  102  (September 26, 2007) I was delighted today to receive an email from one of our Living Room members which she had sent to a bunch of her friends. I’ll share a portion of it here: “When I told a friend about my support group for mood disorders and what a blessing […]


Understanding people who don’t understand

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  101  (September 19, 2007) In the last post I talked about how my congregation learned to understand and support people with mental illness. I think one important thing that helps me when I try to educate and help people understand mental health issues – whether it’s through writing or meeting with them […]


Faith-based support the best

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  97  (September 5, 2007) I’ve been meaning for a while to draw from Harold Koenig’s book, Faith and Mental Health, and share with you some of the treasures of thinking and understanding I have found there. Koenig tells of nearly 500 studies during the twentieth century that reported statistically significant associations between […]

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