Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Tag: coping (page 1 of 3)

BPD – Suicidal ideation

From an anonymous person: “People who have not experienced it simply do not understand the emotional and even physical toll mental health issues cause. Suicidal thoughts and ideations became the norm for me. It is not that I ever truly wanted to die, I was just tired of living. I was tired of the pain […]


When you don’t feel like doing anything

All of us who have had bouts of depression know what it’s like to have a hard time doing anything. Sitting around like a blob makes you feel worse than ever. More than a few of us are fighting such a battle today. In 1999 my book, Riding the Roller Coaster: Living with Mood Disorders […]


Surviving isolation

  The solitary confinement that prisoners sometimes undergo as punishment is cruel. Our self-isolation isn’t, but does feel a tiny bit like it at times. Most of us, however, are in our homes and have all the comforts we usually enjoy. Those who do have those, need to be thankful. Nelson Mandela, in his autobiography […]


Your light will rise

…if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. Isaiah 58:10 In the early days of Living Room* I spoke much about what I called other-centeredness – the opposite of self-centeredness. This […]


Walking a tightrope

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  259  (November 25, 2009) My moods continue to go up and down. And when I feel OK, it’s as though I’m walking a tightrope, trying to maintain my balance so I don’t fall one way or another. Amazing how many symptoms there are to watch out for. And each time one of […]


Finding good in the bad

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  213  (December 27, 2008) I’m having good times when I function normally, alternating with times when I’m deep, clinging to negative thoughts. At times I lose hope. After all, this depression has been going on for three months now. A series of stressful situations started this, Christmas – as usual – being […]


Needing help for living room

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  208  (November 24, 2008) Today I decided to let someone else lead Living Room for awhile, as I give myself a chance to recover from this down period. It’s for times such as this that I have a partner and co-facilitators. My co-facilitator, a faithfilled and enthusiastic person who will be starting […]


A friend’s window of hope

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  207  (November 22, 2019) My depression is dragging on, but in a roller coaster fashion – some days really bad, some not so bad. What occurs to me is that I’m actually in a position to learn a lot right now. I’ve been wanting to write about how a person can best […]


The email that unstuck me

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  202  (November 9, 2008) I don’t know if all this is going to sound silly to you, but my final escape from my last depression came so clearly and so dramatically after I sent an email to over forty Living Room members last Sunday morning. Such power there was in that! I […]


Finally unstuck (to be cont’d)

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  201  (November 7, 2008) As some of you know, I’ve been rather depressed for the past few weeks. I’m happy to say, though, that last Sunday I came unstuck from this down period. Free. Motivated once more. I did something that clearly got me there, but I’m not sure I should tell […]

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