(April 25, 2008)
I listened to a talk given by John Stumpo to a group of pastors at a conference. One thing he said that impressed me was this:
“Your strength is not in what you do well but in what makes you strong – in what feeds you.”
That’s so true. A couple of years ago I was telling God, “but I can’t do that. I’m too small. I’m too weak.” Yet I did end up listening to his call. And I’m becoming stronger as a result – emotionally and spiritually. I’m a different person than I was two years ago, because I’m doing something that feeds me, something I was cut out to do. Thing is, I never imagined I was cut out to do this. I am leading a life that I would never have thought possible for me.
It’s amazing how God works! Amazing the journey He can take us on!
When I think back to 43 years ago…many months in a mental hospital…staff not holding out much hope for me…social worker talking me out of going back to school, suggesting it was beyond me…many periods of psychosis…afraid to talk in front of groups…low self esteem…not able to work at even a part time job.
Thank you, God, for where you’ve taken me. Thank you for helping me become a strong person. Thank you for helping me out of the victim role and into the role of supporter. You are an awesome God!
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