Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Tag: feeding

What makes you strong?

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  155  (April 25, 2008) I listened to a talk given by John Stumpo to a group of pastors at a conference. One thing he said that impressed me was this: “Your strength is not in what you do well but in what makes you strong – in what feeds you.” That’s so […]


What feeds you?

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  128  (January 9, 2008) At Living Room this Friday we’re going to discuss what activities feed us and what activities drain us. When I think of what feeds me most, giving me joy, peace, energy, and satisfaction, I can see how important God’s commandments are to my day-to-day life. God’s commandment to […]


Feeding and being fed

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  44  (February 14, 2007) My last post and the discussion that followed has led me to this one: If we are to give, if we are to feed others, we ourselves need to be fed. If we are to listen to others, we also need to have someone listen to us. If […]


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