(April 24, 2008)
My work is Living Room. It’s so very important to me. But I know there’s more to life than this.
At times I think I’m living like a nun, cloistered. I don’t read the newspapers, don’t listen to the news on the radio, don’t watch any TV, hardly ever rent a movie. The only books I read – and I do read a fair amount – are the Bible and Christian non-fiction. I’ve quit photography because I feared it would distract me from my mental health work.
I do work out. I do play games with my husband when we have free evenings. And I’m going through the process of getting my book published, but that’s mental health related as well.
My purpose in life is to help erase the stigma attached to mental illness, especially the stigma in the church. In the process I want to support people with mental health issues and help churches learn how to give support. This is the work God has given me to do. I feel comfortable doing these things. Living this kind of life makes me feel strong and well.
And yet…
I was reading a book yesterday about how to live the Christian life and found, deep in the middle of the book, a paragraph where the author mentioned she was bipolar. Just one little mention – nothing else. Wish I could focus away from my illness a little more than I do – more like this author did. Maybe one day.
In the meantime, I do think God wants me to be an activist. I feel moved to speak out as much as I can. I feel I need to help Christians learn how to support those who struggle with mental health issues.
Just hope people don’t get tired of me.
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