In the previous post you read the following:
Unfortunately, being patient and hopeful is pretty difficult during times of depression. It’s the nature of depression to take away hope. And we often don’t feel God’s presence at times like that either, so it becomes hard to trust Him. Fear takes over. It’s good at times like that to have a friend who has a strong faith, a friend who would have faith for us, who will show God’s love to us. If we can sense God’s love through another person it will be easier to hang on and to be comforted and encouraged.
I have found this to be very true. Sensing God’s love through another person – a person of strong faith will do wonders for our faith and our ability to have hope. If we find such a person we must treasure him/her and not take them for granted. I would not have gotten as far as I did without such a friend in my life.
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