“The good news of the gospel comforts us because the mission of Jesus from beginning to end was, and is, to rescue outcasts. Throughout his ministry on earth, Jesus consistently acted to include the very people that had been left out. Jesus rescued women, children, foreigners, sinners, the “unclean”, outcasts, the sick and even outlaws and murderers (the thief on the cross) at a time when the basic thrust of religion was to divide people into “insiders” and “outsiders,” the clean and the unclean.

“Nothing has changed today. Jesus still rescues the outcast – you and me. His plan all along was to rescue lost people who had become the outcasts of society.”

(Thanks to  Lori Harding (Nov 2013))


. . . And he calls those who follow him to do the same. Isn’t that what it means to follow Jesus?
