Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Tag: relationship

BPD – goodbyes

From Wichita: “Yesterday, I had to say goodbye to a dear friend of mine, because I became emotional and said things I never should have. I tried to be responsible. I walked away so she wouldn’t have to deal with that, because no one should have to. I told my siblings what I really thought […]


Jesus’ subversive spirituality

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  230  (April 8, 2009) I’m reading The End of Religion by Bruxy Cavey, the pastor of The Meeting House, “a church for people who aren’t into church.” I’ve been reading quite a few books about Jesus’ radical nature and find them exciting. The Christian church has gotten hung up on so many […]


The holes in our heart

Even my close friend, someone I trusted, one who shared my bread, has turned against me Psalm 41:9   I’ve been thinking of the elderly lady I met in the hospital recently. She was only a few years shy of a hundred but proud of her independence. Yet, as we talked, she shed a few […]


After living room

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  174  (June 27, 2008) I went into Living Room today with a lot of prayer, trying to clear the clouds hanging over me. The prayers did help. The meeting felt a bit stunted, though. I thought the topic for discussion that I brought was a good one. However, the eighteen sitting around […]


Sacred space during depression

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  138  (March 3, 2008) One of my blogging pals has spoken a number of times about how she needs friends around her who will be with her when she’s depressed, understanding that she may not want to – or be able to – talk much. I also feel that is the best […]



As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. Psalm 42:1-2   Since sending last Monday’s email, I kept thinking of the lines I wrote: “By connecting with my Lord above, I feel connected with the earth under my […]


3. For better or worse

Being a spouse with mental health issues   HAVING AN INTIMATE CONVERSATION How often do you stop everything and take some time to really talk with your spouse? I’m willing to bet that many of us overlook its importance and let the days roll by without spending the time to hear how things are for […]


2. For better or worse

Being a spouse with mental health issues I started preparing to write this a while back and applied a few strategies I had come up with. I followed some of the basics of how to have a good marriage and considered what that would mean to a person struggling with mental health issues. Even by […]


1. For better or worse

Being a spouse with mental health issues Today I’m starting a series of blogposts that will look at the part we who live with mental health issues could play to keep marriage to our spouse working well, despite the difficulties our illnesses bring. Everything I see on the internet about marriage to a mentally ill […]


14. Healthy relationships with our supporters

Taking control: creating our own boundaries What can a person like me – a person who sometimes feels rather “small” – do when no boundaries are given? I wonder how many of you who are reading this feel “small’ like this? Small in your eyes. We too often forget that God does not see us […]


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