Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Tag: pain (page 3 of 4)

Never-ending trauma

    You never completely lose the memories of trauma, they say. And I know that to be true. Triggers come at the most unexpected times, even during a sermon at church. There’s not anything particularly different about the sermon. But at times it does lead one’s mind to reliving experiences in your life – […]


Beyond memories: creating a new reality

  (Written in January 2017) Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” Matthew 18:21-22   Jesus knew all about forgiving. He came to do a […]


Wrapping up (2019)

It’s time, really time, to put an end to my story. I’m glad to have found better wellness through the telling. But today I’m tired of thinking about so much sadness and ugliness. I want to start enjoying the new me. And so, I’ll wrap up with this: I strongly believe this account had to […]


Broken and contrite (2019)

I may have hurt the person I talked about in the last post, but I think I myself hurt almost as much when I realized what I had done. I love King David’s words from Psalm 51, knowing very well what a “broken and contrite heart” feels like. The person who I’d hurt must have […]


Finding wellness through story (2019)

I decided in November that I needed to tell the story of my life with Living Room: The joyful times, as well as the painful times Part of the reason for telling my story was to reclaim the life I had lost. I wanted reminders that I had lived a good life, though things had […]


Understanding the pain (2019)

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.   (1 John 1:7) The Bible uses light as a metaphor for honesty because you can truly see and examine things in the light. But […]


Emotionally damaged (2019)

My life has changed in many ways. Disorganized and all the problems that brings. Frequent and sudden depressions accompanied by a wish to die. Haunted by bad memories. Often confused. Praying for more peace. I sometimes wonder. Is this old age, mental illness, or both? But I can see it’s more than these. It’s emotional […]


Out of our brokenness

LIVING MEMORIES  221  (February 6, 2009) As part of a series about building a life that matters the pastor spoke about how, when our heart breaks about something, God is telling us to do something about it. Even before God gives us a vision he has been working in our life, preparing us. If we […]


The pain of stigma in church

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  156  (April 28, 2008) I haven’t thought for a while about stigma within the church. My life has been pretty insulated. I don’t feel the effects of such stigma. But every once in a while I hear a story that gets my blood boiling. It’s not simple anger I feel, though. It’s […]


Blogging to heal

LIVING ROOM MEMORIES  132  (February 17, 2008) Ohh, do I ever need to blog – to share with you some of the stuff I’m going through! I coped fine with everything until the day after the funeral. Then I found out that my best friend will be away for the months of March and April. […]

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