I’ve been told by someone trying to order my new book off my book page that it looks like you have to pay using PayPal.
But it only looks like that!!
The cart page is hosted by PayPal, not by me or my website. And you do not have to have a PayPal account, although PayPal does their best to make it look like you do.
In small letters that I think most people overlook, There’s a button for paying with paypal. Below that. It says “or” and another button that says “checkout” and below, “Pay without PayPal.”
When you click “pay without paypal” it takes you to a form where you can fill out your credit card information.
I’m quite annoyed about the misunderstanding this causes and know that it has probably turned many away from ordering from my book page.
If you were one of the people left with such a misunderstanding, I hope you will try ordering again at
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