OVERCOMING THE EFFECTS OF STIGMA: a revolutionary idea for this world of today:

The pain of medications, coping strategies, and other world remedies cannot heal the ingrained wounds of stigma. The pain of rejection, shunning, exclusion, feelings of shame, and being looked down on, can only be relieved through spiritual means.

Overcoming the Effects of Stigma introduces a revolutionary idea, at one time thought not to be possible. The pain of living in a world that looks down on people with mental health challenges, causing lack of self-esteem in so many, can be overcome. Followers of Christ can help bring acceptance and love—and increased confidence—to those who are suffering.

By following Jesus and how he treated those the world would not have anything to do with, we too can learn how to help those who are being stigmatized today.

If you would like to request an emailed copy of the eight pages that will help you learn how to do so, contact me at marja@marjabergen.com.

Suggestions are from Marja Bergen, a person with 17 years of experience giving spiritual support through Living Room and devotional writings.

Soon coming to churches in Japan:

A recent note from Maiko, a person from Japan who found Jesus at my Living Room group while visiting Vancouver years ago:

“Miho and I have just had our first meeting for the translation for “OVERCOMING THE EFFECTS OF STIGMA”.  We are very excited to introduce your work to churches in Japan !”

PRAISE God for how he works!!