Think of this:

Many Christians seem to have lost track of what Jesus’ message was. They forget that he was a radical—a revolutionary—wanting to change the status quo. He taught forgiveness. He taught us to love our enemies. He taught us not to be judgmental. He ate with fraudulent tax collectors, prostitutes, and the poorest of the poor. He touched untouchable lepers. He preached that love was more important than a long list of man-made laws. He spoke out against hypocrisy.

We have more to learn about Jesus and his message than the Christian institution is teaching. Much is overlooked or forgotten. Have you forgotten?

It’s a fact that many people in this world of today truly cannot believe that overcoming the low self-esteem experienced by people with lived experience is possible. Most think it’s a natural part of having a mental illness.

But it isn’t.

As a person who has spent 17 years supporting my peers with mental health challenges, I know that low self-esteem and lack of confidence are caused by how the world looks down on them and treats them. The pain thus experienced can be overcome. It’s done by looking at them in the way Jesus sees them and treats them. It’s by following his example.

How can Christ’s love bring healing to today’s stigmatized individuals?

I have prepared 8 pages to help those who want to follow Christ in improving the lives of those who are feeling rejection from the world. Would you like to have a look?

Simply email me at to request an emailed copy of Overcoming the Effects of Stigma: In the Name of Jesus. The suggestions given are straight forward and not hard to follow.

God’s love will grow within you as a natural outcome of learning to love those who need him so very badly.
