Jesus said, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you.”

John 15:7 RSV


“Abide in me,” Jesus said to his disciples. He says the same to us.

There’s something beautiful in the word “abide.” It seems somehow related to the word abode, or home. To me abiding in Jesus is to find our home in his presence, in his love and his security, in his care and safety. Home is for most a place close to family, close to God. It’s a warm place.

In John 15:4 (RSV) Jesus says, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.”

I think it’s safe to say that every one of us has been caught up in the complexities of living under some very unnatural and stressful conditions. At times like this—more than ever—Jesus is calling us to abide in him. To stay and make our home in him.

We busy ourselves learning the latest about COVID 19. And for the sake of our physical health, we all try to remain a safe distance from others. However, for the sake of our spiritual well-being, it’s exactly at such a time as this that we need to draw close to the comfort and safety Jesus offers. Jesus is one person you can get as close to as you want.

Jesus tells us that you can “ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you.” Does that sound too good to be true? But remember the little word “if.” He said “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you…” If you abide in Jesus by spending time with him, reading your Bible, talking to him, and praying…If you do this you will know what’s in line with his will for you. You will know what to ask for. You will know what prayers God might want to answer.

When Jesus called us he said, “Come to me.” (Matthew 11:28) Today, as we continue with him, he tells us to “abide in me.” How welcoming it is to hear this invitation—this invitation to stay close and draw life from him, as a branch draws life from the vine.

My prayer for you is that you too will have that longing to draw close to Jesus. And I pray that you will be able to go through the complexities of these days, reassured that his presence will always be with you.

God’s blessings to you all.
