So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
Only days after I launched I Will Not Hide on January 1, God led me back to focusing on Jesus, more thoroughly than ever before. It’s like my life with Jesus has started anew. And bit by bit I’m writing reflections about what I learn.
When I started reading the gospels again, I assumed that most of the stories I’d be looking at would be positive ones—like Jesus walking the earth teaching us wisdom that had never before been heard. Like him bringing us light to overcome our darkness. Like healings and acceptance of those who had previously been outcasts.
But Jesus’ life was a tragic one as well. Extremely so, as we all know.
As I read and wrote, Jesus’ teachings revealed things I had previously been blind to or not paid enough attention to. During my life as a Christian I had only been reading the easy, the obvious, the most frequently quoted Scriptures. Only now I’ve started unearthing words from Christ I hadn’t really thought about before. A new world opened up.
I hope you’ll come with me as I dig into the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, to see what we can find. We will learn Christ’s truth and what it means to follow him. Although he himself tells us that following him is costly—and it is—I believe the life he offers is filled with promise and hope. Following Jesus is the way to life itself. Real life.
During these times of trial we face today, God can show his power and grace. As many have found, trials make us stronger. This is especially so if we stay close to Jesus, spending time with him, talking with him. Jesus will lead us through these tough times. He offers us comfort and encouragement.
…and he’s always there.
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