Some of you have asked how to get a copy. The only way right now is online through the publisher, FriesenPress. I included the link to them in my previous post.

Here’s what Friesen’s wrote to me:

“As well as being available on the FriesenPress Bookstore, your title is officially available for purchase through Ingram’s global network of over 50,000 booksellers. Over the next 1 to 6 weeks, additional retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ebook retail channels included in your path will begin to populate their own listings for your book. While waiting for those to be created, you can direct people to the FriesenPress Bookstore so they can get your book in hand.”

So . .. . the only way to get a copy right now is by clicking this link:

I’m so looking forward to you reading the book, and hearing what you think. Would love to hear that you were inspired in some way.

Take care,