(March 28, 2007)
Although the last couple of days were a struggle, today began well and continues to go well. I had my company and we had a good time talking about our lives. She did her cross-stitching while I knitted a dishcloth. There is something very natural and comfortable about two women visiting while doing handwork…more relaxing than sitting across from each other with nothing to do but talk. Later her husband and my husband joined us for lunch.
It may seem weird to say, but we are so fortunate to have a new day open up to us after each night of sleep. A new opportunity to start afresh. A rested body and mind – a healthier mental state.
Last night – such a short time ago – I had been terribly tired and miserable. I meditated on Jesus’ words from Matthew 11:28. I bathed my mind in the words: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” After some time, I did feel rested. And with this rest came peace of mind.
And now, as we near the end of the day, I am thankful to have felt so normal – not so depressed. I am thankful for my time with friends and the energy to be a good hostess.
Today’s visitor provided me with another candle. Tomorrow I light another one. My mother is coming to spend a couple of nights with us. It will be stressful but I will try to make the time an enjoyable one for her. I’ll try to relax.
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