(March 24, 2007)
Living Room was wonderful yesterday – fifteen in attendance, including Vicki Rogers, Educational Director for the Mood Disorders Association of BC. She told us about MDA’s interesting history – an inspiring story. I told my story about how lighting my metaphorical candle is helping me cope with my depression. This led to some discussion, though I always wish for more discussion than we end up with. Makes me think: do I talk too much? After the break, some worked on creating collages while the rest of us had our usual talk session.
My candle, which was the process of preparing for Living Room, did remain lit since I last wrote. It gave me a feeling of peace and the quiet energy and motivation I needed. Thank God for Living Room!
I know I have depression, though I’m not sad or “in the dumps.” I only feel tired and tend to sit for long periods thinking and thinking. This makes it hard to get motivated to do the things I need to do.
But I have lit another candle. I’ve invited a friend who needs a break from home to come next Wednesday morning, bringing her needlework. While she works on that, I’ll knit a dishcloth. It will be a fine visiting time with someone I’d like to get to know better. I’m aiming at making lunch for her as well. By the light of this candle I will prepare, cleaning the house a little at a time. It’s good to have things to look forward to.
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