“Compassion.” We all know the word and we know that—among other things—it’s a description of what Jesus showed the outcasts—those the world had rejected.

The Bible tells about his unconditional love, the love he has for each of us, no matter who we are, no matter how good or bad we are. We would like to be his followers. We want to show that kind of love to the people around us. Can we do that? Or will we unwittingly make exceptions?

Some people may be so different that we find it hard to get close to them, hard to say hello to them, hard to ask how their day is going. We may fear them, not knowing what to expect in response. But remember what the Bible said:

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18)

Everyone feared the demoniac and the leper. But through his unconditional love, Jesus had compassion for them.

He was as one with them. Though divine, he was a human being in the same way those who were rejected were human beings. He knew how to put himself in their shoes, appreciating what their lives must be like. He was able to feel their pain and join them in it.

Isn’t that “feeling with” exactly what compassion is all about? This is why Jesus came to earth to be with us as a fellow human being. This is why he knows us so well.

Christ’s compassion healed many hurting individuals. Through us, and the love God gives us to share, his compassion continues to heal those who may be starving for such love.

How can we show God’s love to people who may be having a hard time when we’re not at ease with them?

Just asking how they’re feeling, is enough to help them feel cared for. It’s enough to help them feel some of their pain lift. It takes away the loneliness of carrying it.

This is like the compassion we see expressed in the life of Jesus. He asked the blind Bartimaeus, ““What do you want me to do for you?” (Mark 10:51) Wasn’t that, in essence, asking him about how he was and what he needed? Most likely, the healing started the moment Jesus showed an interest in this lonely individual.

Imagine if you had BPD and you had just gone through a bout of uncontrollable anger or emotional dysregulation. You’re struggling with the pain, and someone asks you if you’d like them to stay with you awhile. “Tell me what’s going on for you,” they ask. They show no fear, only concern and compassion. They care enough not to leave you alone with your distress.

It’s through that kind of compassion that healing begins. That’s how Christ’s healing can work through his people.
