Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Tag: BPD (page 1 of 5)

Psychiatric care denied

WRONG-DOING ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE ER In November 2021, my file was closed by a mental health department at a local hospital after I had been a patient there for eight years. Treatment for my bipolar 1 disorder (first thought to be schizophrenia) began at Riverview Hospital in 1965 where I was a patient for ten […]


Misdiagnosis tears my life asunder

PSYCHIATRIST’S POWER ABUSED Unfortunately, I’ve been like an innocent child, trusting the person at the helm of my mental health care for years. I believe most of us who live with mental illness do lean on our psychiatrist, especially when we live with low self-esteem. After all, we think, the doctor knows best. I was […]


Psychiatrists have too much power

PSYCHIATRIC DIAGNOSIS, INPUT NOT ALLOWED In 2015 I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD). My psychiatrist told me I had only about three features, “not the whole thing.” And yet, my file—for all medical personnel to see—showed that my diagnosis was borderline, the whole thing. In their book Beyond Borderline: True Stories of Recovery […]


Denied our human right to speak and be heard

I have spoken with anger at the injustice I see towards people with mental illness like me. But angry words are not always counted as valid representations of what is believable and true. And so if that’s the way things are, I will endeavor to speak with the grief underneath that anger. You will hear […]


Setting the record straight – complex PTSD

Here is some extra information on complex CPTSD for those of you interested in hearing more. From VeryWell Mind – Both PTSD and C-PTSD result from the experience of something deeply traumatic and can cause flashbacks, nightmares, and insomnia. Both conditions can also make you feel intensely afraid and unsafe even though the danger […]


I was misdiagnosed – much damage done

Complex post traumatic stress (CPTSD) has been the source of my struggles all along, caused by emotional abuse in 2015. My original diagnosis, borderline personality disorder (BPD), has similar symptoms. Thus the misdiagnosis. The psychiatrist who has seen me for the last 8 months discovered the error. I’m announcing this because I’ve written so much […]


Borderline personality disorder and the church

A PLEA TO THE CHURCH Where do you go when you have an illness that medical professionals and counselors don’t want to deal with – treated like an untouchable in a modern world? Have you ever thought what that would feel like? It’s happening all the time to people with BPD. In their book Beyond […]


The voices of today’s outcasts

More than anything, people with mental health challenges need to have support from those who will listen to them and learn what their life is like. This is especially true for those living with borderline personality disorder (BPD). As a mental illness it’s probably the most stigmatized of all, causing 10% to die by suicide. […]


Call me stupid – Life with BPD

Many people would call me stupid. Why would a person diagnosed with a shameful condition like borderline personality disorder (BPD) want to let everyone know about it? She must be crazy. But you see, I don’t believe there’s a good reason to be ashamed of BPD. I’m a person like any other. My illness is […]


BPD – goodbyes

From Wichita: “Yesterday, I had to say goodbye to a dear friend of mine, because I became emotional and said things I never should have. I tried to be responsible. I walked away so she wouldn’t have to deal with that, because no one should have to. I told my siblings what I really thought […]

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