On Thursday, Church for Vancouver posted this article about my newly released gift books and other things in the works: http://churchforvancouver.ca/devotionals-offer-hope-to-those-with-mental-illness/
The writer mentions something new I’m working on with the help of a few others. It’s a home-style small group I call Fellowship with God. We’re hoping that following this study will help people grow closer to God and to walk with Him as they go through their highs and lows.
What was not mentioned in the article, and should have been, is that this group would in no way replace Living Room. If the first Fellowship with God group is successful and more groups were to form it would only give churches another option to give support to those dealing with mental health issues.
So far, much needs to be worked out and I’m working with a number of people to do that. The whole thing is quite iffy. All I can do is hope and pray as the plans progress,
Yet I do hope an initial group will meet in the fall.
Take care everyone.
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