In my book ONE SUCH AS ME? I quote Philip Yancey, one of my favorite authors, when he said, “For a writer, nothing really counts in life until you put it on paper.” And that’s so very true for me too.
I also wrote, “There are very few things that happen to me, very few things I think or feel, that I don’t feel compelled to share in emails, articles, books, notecards, blogposts, or speeches that I write out.”
That’s how I ended up with ONE SUCH AS ME? It’s a 300 page story about my very exciting times between the years 2000 to 2014 when I wrote and spoke extensively about what God had done in my life with bipolar disorder. The story is filled with many interesting details that even I had forgotten until I went through my three boxes of journals.
On February 15, 2011, when God had helped me accomplish so very much, especially with the Living Room ministry, I wrote the following: “I read in Deuteronomy about Moses telling the Israelites several times, “The Lord has gone before you.”
And I journaled: “I believe the Lord has gone before us as well. The world is so much better prepared to change Christians’ attitudes than it was ten years ago when I started raising church awareness. So much is now being written and said about mental illness . . . and Living Room too. People are becoming better informed.”
If everything goes according to plan, copies of the book will be available before the end of August.
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