November 2019

 “All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”

1 Samuel 17:47

When I was founding the Living Room ministry in 2006, probably my greatest inspiration was David, the young shepherd. His faith encouraged mine when he stood before Goliath and the Philistines, bravely announcing, “the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”

God made my new ministry possible, to a greater extent than I could have imagined.

I learned to trust God, seeing the work I was doing as his, not mine at all. I was only his foot soldier. God provided me with strength and courage I never knew I had. What a joy it was to realize that so much is possible when I stay close to him.

In life, most of us will face a giant of some kind. My Goliath has for many years been the stigma of mental illness. But I’ve had to fight others.

Another giant I’ve had to face was the evil of deceit. Deception comes through the most unlikely places and people. Although ugly, deceit masquerades as something beautiful. In fact, most often it comes in the form of a smile. Sometimes it’s a person we thought was a friend, a person we considered trustworthy.

I believe that of all the wickedness in the world, deceit must be the most evil and most dangerous. You will remember the story from the Garden of Eden and how Eve was deceived by a serpent, bringing sin into the world.

Deceit is cunning, underhanded, and sly. It preys upon the most vulnerable. Not escaping its clutches could lead to spiritual and emotional harm.

Too easily accepting apparent kindness and love from a person whose hidden agenda is to deceive, can bring a life to ruins. Unfortunately, victims are often those who are most enthusiastic about following Jesus.

This story could be yours too. You will need to protect yourself.

If you suspect that you are facing deception, consider that evil as your Goliath. Face it the way David so bravely did. He knew that his battle was the Lord’s and he overcame his enemy.

Stay close to God and his Word. His words alone can be trusted and depended on. God doesn’t lie. Make the Bible’s teachings your primary source for spiritual wisdom and sustenance. Are you looking in the right place for God’s truth?

Be a David. Face your Goliath, and say, “…the battle is the Lord’s.”
