The pain caused by stigma can no longer be ignored. It needs to be addressed by all who care.
All who want to follow Jesus are called to be involved in a supportive care ministry—a ministry to serve the stigmatized people of today in the way Jesus once cared for those the world wanted nothing to do with.
If we’re going to help others find relief from the pain caused by stigma, we can’t do it alone. Our own love is not great enough by itself. It is only possible by taking the kind of love Jesus puts in our heart and sharing it with others.
It’s only in Jesus’ name that healing can take place. Remember what Jesus said? “. . . I will do whatever you ask in my name.”
When we pray, we pray in his name. It’s in this same way that bringing his love and his healing power to others becomes possible. Through Jesus, we can help bring relief from suffering.
And that’s what the book with the title, In the Name of Jesus, is about. It’s about how we can help people find relief from their pain by learning what that pain feels like, putting ourselves in their shoes, and then by sharing Jesus with them in a way that brings comfort and encouragement. It’s by reminding a suffering person who Jesus is and how he loves us.
I have a collection of devotionals to share, specifically written to address pain experienced by people living with mental health challenges. These devotionals could form the beginning of a ministry of your own.
When you go to: you can freely download them and browse to find what you would like to send out to people who need Christ’s healing. You will find a total of 230 devotionals for individual use and 60 interactive devotionals for group use.
Why not make a list of interested people and send them out on a regular basis? That alone will provide much of the spiritual food readers will need to help them in their day-to-day healing. I’ve found MailChimp a good mass mailing program to use.
I invite you to help yourself.
And may God bless you in your work.
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