Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Tag: Gandhi (page 1 of 2)

Let’s get angry at mental health stigma

  Throughout history, anger has proved to be an instrument of change. It leads to revolutionary action that can upend unjust social structures. Mahatma Gandhi was incensed with the state of his Indian nation, where his countrymen were made to feel inferior under British rule. Some years later, Nelson Mandela felt the same way when […]


Crozer seminary – A life worth living – Part 49

After graduating from Morehouse College in 1948 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology, King attended Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania. Here he later graduated with a Bachelor of Divinity degree in 1951. At Crozer he absorbed the teachings of many inspirational leaders from the past. It is here where he first became […]


The ministry of service – A life worth living – Part 40

As a person who had studied and meditated on Christ’s life, the following words from Philippians 2:5-7 must have helped inspire Dr. Schweitzer to become the servant of God he was: “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with […]


Gandhi and Indian independence – A life worth living – Part 32

Gandhi brought Satyagraha to India in 1915 and was soon elected to the Indian National Congress political party. He began to push for independence from British rule, organizing resistance to a 1919 law that gave British authorities the power to imprison suspected revolutionaries without trial. Britain responded by mowing down 400 unarmed protesters and killing […]


Satyagraha – A life worth living – Part 31

Satyagraha literally means “truth force,” “truth” meaning a right granted by nature and the universe that should not be impeded on by man. Satyagraha was a focused nonviolent resistance to a particular injustice. A person using Satyagraha would resist injustice by refusing to follow an unjust law. “In doing so, he would not be angry, […]


Changes for Gandhi – A life worth living – Part 29

During Gandhi’s stay in Pretoria, he read about 80 books on religion. He came under the influence of Christianity and took Bible classes, but did not embrace it. [1] Gandhi underwent a gradual change, reducing his wants and expenses. He began to do his own laundry and clean out his own chamber pot, often his […]


South Africa and discrimination – A life worth living – Part 28

When Gandhi arrived in South Africa he was appalled by the discrimination he experienced as an Indian immigrant. On a train trip to Pretoria, he was in a first-class compartment but told to leave because he was a non-white and not allowed in first-class. He protested, producing his first-class ticket, but was warned he would […]


Heroes of human rights – A life worth living, Part 4

Like all of us, the individuals you’ll read about didn’t have easy lives. They faced difficulties, but despite those difficulties, their lives were full and meaningful. That’s what happens when you find something worth living for. What are some of the obstacles keeping you from living a full life? Are you focusing more on those […]


Updated introduction – A life worth living, Part 1

From 1999 when I published my first book, Riding the Roller Coaster, I’ve tried to persuade readers that living with mental illness is not the end of the world. Despite our struggles, we can have a life worth living. If we trust God and the person he made us to be, we can do more […]


Part 2 – Small like Gandhi

EQUALITY IN RELATIONSHIPS  So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27) As we saw in Part 1, God made us all to be equal. But too often people automatically think that when a person is different from themselves, they […]

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