I know that in working out this Open Door concept that I’m talking to people of all different backgrounds—culturally and spiritually. And I wonder how this man Jesus with his unconditional love would fit in with your background? It would be wonderful if all of us could come to understand who he is and what he has to offer—somehow. It would be wonderful if we could come together in this.
Although Jesus is part of many people’s religion, for this purpose I don’t think we should look on him as a religious figure. Could we look at him in the way he was seen by the people who first experienced his presence 2000 years ago? Before he was recognized as divine, before his crucifixion and all that meant?
At Open Door it is hoped that we could come to look upon Jesus in the way he first introduced himself to the world—to know him as the person who showed his unconditional love for all. Can we see him as one who is not a part of any particular religion? Spiritual, but not religious.
Jesus, as I see him in this, would not transform what we believe, he would not take away from it, he would only add to it. Is that a possibility in your world?
The number one reason for including him is the unconditional love he showed for all and the healing power that knowledge can bring to those who need such love.
Where you are, does that make sense?
He was definitely different from anyone who had gone before him. Something we clearly see in his life and teachings is the way he included people that everyone else left out. He was a radical in the way he treated social outcasts like prostitutes, the poor, the sick, lepers and others. Before Jesus came, no one had shown them such acceptance. Jesus changed the status quo.
Through his spirit, he can do the same in our world today.
Can we all—so different from each other—come together under the umbrella of this unconditional love that he modelled? It is a love that can be shared with all in our community and in our wider world—no matter who we are, no matter who we worship.
At Living Room’s Open Door Jesus stands alone, free from existing religions. He stands ready for our acceptance and for what he has to offer. He stands ready for us to make him part of our spiritual lives.
The foundation of Open Door is the unconditional love that Jesus modelled for us during his three-year ministry on earth, as told in the Bible’s gospel stories and elsewhere. This is the kind of love that has proven itself over and over to bring healing to those who are feeling rejected by the world. I have personally provided this form of spiritual support for twenty years—to groups of people with lived experience and through the devotionals I’ve written. And having done so, I have myself found healing.
The devotionals I wrote are a key to this spiritual mental health support and are available for the asking by groups as they are formed. They consist of encouraging messages uniquely designed to speak to those with lived experience. Those who are feeling the effects of stigma will gain confidence as they learn to trust the love that they know is there for them, no matter what.
Are you considering starting an Open Door group? A manual and devotionals are available for your use. Contact me at
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