The time has come to draw this series to a close. And what better way to do it than by looking at Jesus and the ways in which he overcame injustice? What can we learn from him?

Biblical justice starts by seeing people as God sees them—recognizing that we are created in the image of God, recognizing that we are all his children, meant to live as brothers and sisters together.

Throughout Scripture, God’s call to do justice is clear and Jesus is our example. Isaiah 1:17 instructs us well: “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

Through scripture, Jesus shows us behavior and attitudes that were once considered to be all right—behavior and attitudes that he showed were not all right. He changed the status quo, the effects of which we can see in the world today. One could say he turned the world upside down, boldly showing us how to correct our ways. He counts on us, his followers, to continue this work.

Jesus cared for the outcast, for people like you and me who—even in our world today—might be considered outcasts. He treated them with compassion, seeing them as people of equal worth.

He did not look down on those he healed and cared for. The leper, the blind man, the woman caught in adultery, the tax collector are just a few examples. He helped them with their needs, encouraged them in their faith, and showed them God’s love. He helped them feel they had value, that they counted and belonged.

If you are a person living with mental health challenges, can you put yourself in this picture?

Imagine having Jesus care for you and help you become what God intended you to be. And then imagine him sending you off into the world with confidence, ready to taste life to the full. Scary? Maybe. But Jesus will remain with you in spirit. His love will always be there. And, by knowing him and trusting him, you’ll find the strength and courage to be your own person.

Part of the reason for this series was to help readers with low self-esteem realize they are worthy of more in life. I hope you will have gathered inspiration from the individuals featured. What colourful and meaningful lives they had!

I don’t know about you, but I would like the world to treat me as Jesus would. I would like them to realize I’m a person like any other. And personally, I want to help in any way I can to change the unfair view so many have of us.

As I’ve said, I feel angry about the prejudice that’s far too prevalent. But I need to look to Jesus and see how he responded. When I do, I see Jesus speaking boldly so all can hear. He was never shouting or shrill. He maintained control.

Oh, Jesus! If I could only be more like you. Please help me find ways to make a difference.

“But how?

  • Educate yourself and others
  • Choose your words carefully (He has bipolar – not he is…, etc)
  • Speak up against stigma

Any one of us could make a difference, even in small ways. Helen Keller has this encouraging quote for us: “I am only one; but I am still one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do.”

To help you find the various individuals written about in this series, I offer these links:

Abraham Lincoln

Mahatma Gandhi

Mother Teresa

Martin Luther King Jr

Nelson Mandela

Terry Fox

Malala Yousafzai