At Living Room’s Open Door there is one thing we all have in common. We are all looking for support from our peers as we try to find relief from our mental health challenges. But it is different from other kinds of support groups in that our spiritual needs are also addressed. Those needs will be different for all.

You may be Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, or follower of some other religion, wanting to bring messages of your faith to people in need. There is a way in which I feel we are all alike, no matter what we believe. In a world that rejects so many of us, the message that we are accepted and loved is one that we all need to hear. We hear that message from Jesus.

For Christians, Jesus is the Son of God, central to their entire faith. Although he isn’t the same for other faiths, he is a figure who holds importance for most, though differing in how he fits into their religion. For most, he’s a much-revered figure in history.

Living Room’s Open Door is founded on the unconditional love of Jesus. Even if he’s not part of your religion, learning about him is important. Because it’s his example of acceptance, kindness and love that Open Door facilitators should aim to follow. Bringing his Spirit into situations of care has proven to soothe people’s emotional and mental pain, bringing peace to the chaos they might be experiencing in their minds.

It needs to be noted that the devotionals that will be available speak of Jesus as someone who did not only care for the sick and those the world was rejecting. According to both the Christian Bible and the Muslim Qur’an he performed physical healings. The devotionals will be most helpful if participants are able accept that he truly did and said amazing things that might at first be hard to believe.

These devotionals are the key. They are what makes spiritual support what it is and what makes it an effective source of healing.

A typical Open Door meeting might include:

  • Worship and prayer in accordance with the faith tradition of the group,
  • Ample time to work through the troubles and pain experienced by members of the group,
  • End the meeting with a devotional about Jesus.

If you are considering facilitating a group, I encourage you. Pray about it. If you feel moved to respond to the call, it will very likely bring you many blessings, as it has for me.

Please message me if you’re interested in forming a trial group or if you’d like to discuss it. If you decide to go ahead and give it a try, you will receive a facilitator’s manual and 65 devotionals to download.

If there’s a demand for such groups, a website will follow.