(January 27, 2008)

I want to thank all of you who have been thinking about us and praying for us and for my mother-in-law. Life is complex for me right now, and yet I feel God’s presence in a very clear way.

We’ve spent the past few days at home, traveling to see Mom for a few hours at a time. She is not doing very well at all. Her eye sight is failing badly and she is now needing to be fed, though she doesn’t eat much at all. She is also becoming increasingly confused. Yet she is still her sweet self. It’s hard to see her going through this and I hope and pray that God will soon grant her peace and take her from this suffering. When my husband wakes up I’ll ask him if we can’t once more take our motorhome out there so we can spend more time with her – so that we can be the ones to feed her. Each time we see Mom I hate to leave.

I had word from 100 Huntley Street, the Christian TV program that spent a day with me several months ago, that the interview they did will be aired this coming Thursday, January 31st. They also taped a session of Living Room. The program is on Global TV in Canada, though I think it may be available for viewing in the U.S. as well.

What is going to happen once the program is aired? If there are people inspired by it I will need to be ready to help new groups start up. I will need to be ready to give talks if asked. And I should soon hear from my publisher whether or not they will publish my new book, A Firm Place to Stand. I’m also busy giving support to individuals and keeping up with friends. Life IS very complex right now. And yet, I don’t feel stress. I feel God’s peace. He is with me. And that is SO good.

By the way, I did get to the Living Room meeting two days ago, though one of the co-facilitators took the main part of the meeting. I’m so thankful to have such a lot of help. There were 18 of us present and it got pretty intense at times – but wonderfully so. That group is at the heart of all I do. It’s so important to me – such a joy.