(September 14, 2008)
I heard from someone in Victoria last night, wanting to set up a conference call with me because people in her church are planning to start a Living Room. And one of the co-facilitators from my own group is planning to start a group of her own in Vancouver. I’ve been praying for a group there. My prayer is being answered.
There are now five Living Rooms and another four in the planning stages. Thank God! The movement of this much needed ministry is spreading.
Between Living Room and promoting my book it’s beginning to look like I have almost a full-time job. And that’s a lot for me, someone who was never able to have a career, not able to work because of the severity of her disorder. I pray that all will go well and that I’ll be able to meet all the demands on me.
I’m thankful that I wake up early and have a couple of hours of quiet time to spend with God and reflect before I start the day. That really helps a lot. And I have learned to focus on only one job at a time, not worrying about the big picture but only looking at the portion I’m working on.
Yesterday was a big day. I partnered with the Mood Disorder Association of BC in presenting a workshop for a group of new support group facilitators. So good to have this partnership. Vikki Rogers did a wonderful job of teaching and guiding us through role playing exercises. In the afternoon I had time with the facilitators of the Christian groups (seven people) and we discussed the spiritual aspects of facilitating Living Room.
My own group in Burnaby is starting a Bible study which will meet every Friday that we don’t have a regular Living Room meeting. For some of our people Living Room is like their church, because they have had bad experiences – feeling judged in regular churches. Every church needs to have an opportunity for Bible Study. Someone in our church has volunteered to teach the class, so we are able to meet this need.
Please understand if I don’t blog as much as I used to or if I don’t always visit your blogs. My work load seems to be increasing all the time, and sometimes it’s wisest for me to spend my free time with my husband, with a friend, or with a sudoku puzzle. I have to try and keep things balanced.
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