(February 22, 2007)
I’ll be glad when today is over and I can sleep and wake to a new day. Tomorrow will be a busy one: a Living Room day. I’m looking forward to it. Our discussion will be about the value of suffering. My pastor calls pain the gift no one wants, but one that’s a gift nevertheless. Pain does much to strengthen character. People who have suffered know a lot more about life than those who have it easy. I’ve never had it easy, yet I’m pretty sure that is the case.
Suffering is one of my favorite topics to read about. So much has been written about it and there’s a lot of evidence that those who suffer and overcome have much to offer. Much has been written in the Bible about suffering. The Bible talks about knowing Christ and “the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings.” I’m learning to share my pain with Christ. I’m learning to see my pain as his pain and his pain as my pain. I’m together with Jesus in my pain, meeting him in a very special way.
Interesting how so many Christians still think that good Christians should not suffer. They think that a Christian who suffers must have sinned. So many form their own ideas without reading the Bible with an open heart and mind. They overlook so much of scripture, seeing only what they want to see.
Tomorrow may be an exciting day. It may be the day my article will be in the paper. I’m so curious to read what the columnist has said about me. Just hope it’s positive and shows hope. But the interview went so fast, I would have liked more time to express what I’m really all about. But he had fixed questions he wanted me to answer – didn’t let me have my way with him the way I would have liked, though I tried….We’ll see.
I could sit and talk on and on to you, because I am lonely with my thoughts. But I don’t want this post to be so long that you won’t want to read it, so I will close.
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