He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
I like photographing flowers when they’re past their prime. To me they’re every bit as important as fresh flowers. If we can bring an attitude of childlike wonder, we will see that they have a beauty of their own. I love watching them as they go through all their stages.
This old tulip has magic and appeal, though you must slow down, open your eyes, and look to appreciate it. Although it may almost be ready for the compost heap, it can still bring pleasure. Have you noticed how it resembles a lantern? Do you see how bright the colour?
The way I see it, tulips like the one in this picture are worth no less than their fresh young siblings growing nearby. It’s the same reason I believe we human beings have worth too, even if we’re old or not as healthy as we used to be. All of us, the old and the young, able and disabled, have value. Why else would God have made us? As a friend used to say, “God doesn’t make junk.”
We’re precious to the God who made us. Out of love he made us. Out of joy. We are his creation and he tells us we’re beautiful. Remember that when you’re not feeling good about yourself.
While we have life, we have worth. Even after we’re gone, friends might recall how we differed from others and how unique God made us to be.
Maybe you’re thinking “I’m not like anyone else I know. I don’t fit in.”
Take a lesson from this tulip. It’s different, but it’s beautiful.
God your Father looks down on you with love. He wants to encourage you. To let you know how much he values you.
God your Creator assures you that you have a beauty within that is uniquely yours. He knows, because he put it there.
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