February 6, 2010)
While away recently I had a lot of time to think, to read, and to journal. I came to the conclusion that I need to focus my energy on the things that are going to do the most good. And I need to delegate the things that sap my energy and that other people are just as capable of doing, like looking after the lunches for our Living Room meetings.
One thing I realized that I need to try to do more work on is encouraging a more accepting, more understanding church climate for people with mood disorders. That kind of climate will encourage new Living Room facilitators to come forward. I’ve been working on that all along with the articles and books I’ve written, but there’s much more work to do. I can’t let up.
I remembered a depression seminar I organized many years ago at a church I belonged to. It was a successful all-day event that drew sixty people. Although that event was secular in nature, this time I’d like to do something specifically for Christians. Help them learn what depression is, what causes it, who is affected, how it is treated. Let them hear stories from people who have dealt with it. Form small discussion groups for people who live with depression and for those who are supporters. We could include a break-out session specifically for pastors and church leaders, because I would try my hardest to draw those to the seminar as well.
This is my dream right now – to organize such a seminar. I’d publicize it widely and try for a big attendance. More than sixty this time. More like a hundred…or more than that even?
Yes, I’m ready to get to work again, praying that my church leadership will give their blessings to my idea. Praying I can get some people to help me make it happen.
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