Marja Bergen

author, mental health advocate, follower of Christ

Month: July 2021 (page 3 of 3)

BPD – Loving the unlovable

As mentioned earlier, borderline personality (BPD) has greater stigma attached to it than any other mental illness. Those with the disorder are feared and avoided to such an extent that it’s been referred to as “the leprosy of mental illnesses”. We know too that in his day, Jesus did not avoid or fear the leper […]


Freedom songs – A life worth living – Part 56

Pete Seeger, singing We Shall Overcome. An important part of the civil rights movement was the freedom songs. King called them the “soul of the movement,” as old as the history of the African-American in the U.S. There were songs of sorrow, the shouts for joy, the battle hymns, and the anthems. Words like, “Woke […]


BPD – I’m not a bad person

When asked, most will say a person should be judged by what’s in their heart, not by their outward appearance. But that goes out the window when they see behaviour they find alarming. Behaviour they don’t understand. In my own case, I was hurt by things said to me or done to me. Without the […]


BPD – Man’s inhumanity to man

People with BPD are often treated like untouchables in our modern world. Medical professionals and counselors don’t want to deal with them. They are feared by the people around them—feared because they don’t know the kind of response to expect. But if we want to follow Christ’s ways, we must try and treat those who […]


BPD – The compassionate response to anger

Suppose someone said something or did something especially hurtful to the person with BPD. Such a sensitive person might not be able to help but react, often with the over-the-top anger (or emotional dysregulation) we’ve been talking about. That’s the feature of BPD that’s most alarming in the eyes of the people around us. And […]


Letters from jail – A life worth living – Part 55

BIRMINGHAM LETTER On April 3, 1963, King’s nonviolent tactics were put to their most severe test in Birmingham during a mass protest for fair hiring practices and desegregation of department store facilities. On Good Friday, April 12th, King and his friend and mentor, Ralph Abernathy, led the march, singing freedom songs. Nearing the downtown area, […]


Desegregation and equality – A life worth living – Part 54

On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court outlawed segregation in public schools. The Court affirmed that “separate but equal” facilities are inherently unequal. To segregate a child on the basis of his race is to deny that child equal protection of the law. It furthered the black person’s sense of dignity. King commented on how […]


BPD – Emotional dysregulation

Through life challenges and trauma, usually occurring in childhood, people with BPD develop a strong sensitivity. They’re easily hurt. One source suggests that it’s like going through life without skin–without the protective barrier that prevents pain receptors from being exposed. Someone with BPD is much more hurt by someone’s words and actions than a person […]


God delights in you

  The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17  Many years ago, as I went through a long deep depression, this Scripture gave me much comfort. I clung […]


BPD – why “borderline?”

If you have a friend who tells you he has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (or BPD) you would think it must be a very ugly illness. That label itself might cause you to want to keep your distance. Truth is that no one in the medical profession thinks the disorder should go by […]

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