October 2015


For because of our faith, he has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to actually becoming all that God has had in mind for us to be.

Romans 5:2 (TLB)


Do you ever feel that there’s so much wrong with you that you seem beyond repair? I have.

At times like that—often during times of depression when I have a negative view on things—I feel weak, unloved, undeserving—even despicable. I need God’s love more than ever.

Other times I’ve become aware of habits or behaviour that I’m ashamed of, areas I want God to change. To me change seems as though it would be impossible to achieve.

A kind person assured me of the good news: God can set us on the road to transformation. He can help us change, no matter how difficult it may seem to be. If we receive Christ into our hearts we are forgiven and under His grace, “this place of highest privilege.”

…and I wondered to myself, what is this “grace” anyway? Yes, I’m ashamed to admit it. Though a Christian for thirty years and much of that time in ministry, I wasn’t at all clear about what that word meant…or was the lack of clarity simply due to the emotional space I was in?

Eventually I learned that God’s grace is the great love and forgiveness He has for us, no matter who we are or what we’ve done. This grace frees us and changes us.

It’s strange how easily we can forget basic teachings from the Bible, especially when we’re not doing well. After many years of leading a Christian mental health support group I’d forgotten many of the basics. I probably didn’t read my Bible as much as I should have. I’d forgotten that nothing is impossible without God.

Have you forgotten?

As we deal with the storms of life it can happen, especially when we forget to read our Bibles. At times like that we need our Christian friends to remind us. And how blessed we are when we have people like that in our lives! How blessed we are when someone reminds us that God can transform us through His grace because of His great love for us. We are forgiven, no matter how many our faults or sins.

How does God transform us by His grace?

We come to Him in our weakness, our sin, and our failure. In humility and honesty we look to Him, ask for forgiveness, and choose to believe that He can change us. As we rest in His love–His amazing “no-matter-what” love—we will grow. Yes, we will grow. We will change.

Thank you, God for doing for me things I could never do for myself.
