(August 11, 2009)
One thing that contributed to the depression I’ve recently recovered from was that I felt overwhelmed by all that Living Room brought me: people to support, interest by others from far and wide to start a group. A few weeks ago I even heard from someone in Pretoria, South Africa, eager to start a group.
“This kind of work is not something a person should be doing on her own,” I thought to myself. I felt alone and burdened, finding myself unable to do more than absolute essentials. Depressed. I felt a need for a team, or at least a partner, to come alongside me and walk with me through this adventure and its responsibilities. I complained to my church and asked for prayer to help someone materialize.
And here I’ll quote the letter I wrote to Living Room supporters last Thursday:
“God answered the prayers of my friends, but not in the way I had thought He would. My depression did lift and I learned to trust God again. Once more He gave me a ‘firm place to stand,’ as He has so many times before. And God showed me that my thinking had been all wrong. I’d had entirely the wrong perspective. Living Room is not my own work at all. It’s God’s work. And I am the one who has to come alongside Him. That’s the kind of trust that Living Room was built on. That’s the kind of trust in God that gave me the courage to do what I’ve carried out up to now. God is the One who created Living Room.
“The beautiful thing is that I no longer feel alone. I no longer find the work a burden. Amazing what trusting God can do for you, eh? With Him all things are possible. Through Him our weakness can become strength.”
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